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ooc: Wow, handsome table~! ^-^ Here we go again!

WC: 392

I've got soul but I'm not a soldier

It was night, and once more he could not sleep. During the days, he was so unshakably tired, exhausted for no reason other than having to live. And then, when he made it to the end of the day, he found no rest; laying his head down with eyes wide open, listening to his mate and five pups quietly exhaling in their slumber. This night he could not take his insomnia placidly, and silently slipped out of the church, running freely beneath the moon. If he could tire himself out, maybe do a little nocturnal hunting, he could fall asleep like a regular luperci and wake up when the sun did. That was the plan, anyway.

The broad-chested arctic wolf had been loping aimlessly for some time now, and had absentmindedly crossed over the scent-borders of their pack, bounding into no-man's-land without a thought in his mind. His white paws flashed in the moonlight, landing neatly on the ground before springing off again. He was panting heavily, his chest rising and falling with each gasping breath. He had the ghost of a smile flitting about his black lips as he finally drew to a halt, feeling his heartbeat thundering against his ribs. It felt good.

Slay trotted lightly to the edge of a pool, lowering his muzzle with a sigh into the cold, clear depths of the springwater. He slurped noisily at the refreshing water, pale eyes half-shut with satisfaction. It was when he opened them again that he saw the reflection... him.

Slowly, warily, Slay raised his dripping head, ice-pale eyes wide as he saw the imposing man on the other side of the pool. For one horrible, gut-wrenching moment, Slay thought he was seeing the ghost of his own father, rippling with masculinity beneath his midnight-black fur. But that couldn't be... This wolf had a rich collar of white, the same duality of colours that Slay himself sported. And this unearthly fellow had eyes as black as coals.

"Wh... Who...?" Slay breathed softly, eyes narrowed in suspicion. His hackles were beginning to prickle upright already, intuition telling him that this was one male he did not want to mess with. This was what he got for wandering into a haunted forest in the dead of night - he had come across a spirit he did not want to tangle with...


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