a song and dance invisible

.......Hemming followed the girl's lead, unsure of where they were going but trusting that she had a general destination in mind. He had already been impressed with the beauty of the AniWaya tribelands many times, in the limited wandering he had done in the past couple of days, and was excited to finally have a tour. There were always little wonders in a place that you wouldn't find unless you had been there for a long time or had someone that had been to show you around.

.......It had taken a long time - three years - for the lithe wolf to wander from his home pack in central Canada to where he was now. He had settled down a few times on the way, and did indeed spend most of his time in a little fortress of his own construction in the forests of northern Nova Scotia, but where he was actually from was an ambiguous question even for him. Hemming thought about what the answer to that question would be as she explained her history, and nodded along. It would be nice to live somewhere long enough to know the area well, but it was also nice to travel around. The male had completed one part of that, and was just beginning on the second.

......."I wouldn't say it was that far away... it was north of here, and took me a long time to get here. That's mostly because I meander, I think, but it was a fair distance. I lived in the woods, and near the ocean. It was nice. Similar to here, but without anyone around. Very snowy winters. I think I like it here better." He smiled at her as they walked. There had been a wealth of human artifacts near his old home, but Hemming wasn't able to judge this new one yet. He had yet to plunder Halifax.


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