Warn your warmth to turn away.

oh poor baby..

The sounds. The smells. They were all that came to her, for her eyes were shut tight. She couldn’t look, as she held her cut and bloodied arms against her stomach. The girl wanted to disappear, melt into the background and fall away from the world itself. She was tired, but the adrenaline that flooded her system kept her alive and awake like a retched high. She was dizzy from the loss of blood, but it still was not enough for her to be put to sleep. The sight of her own blood would have left her light headed, but she was passed that realization, and wished for it to end.

The room was filled with a single smell. Blood, her own and the males, milled through the air and tasted metallic and disgusting on her tongue. It brought even more fear to her mind, fear for Onus. What had she done? Calling for him to take the pain and possible death that was meant for her. How could she do such a thing, to a beast that was her friend? He was too good to the world to loose, she was replaceable and one of the many innocent. But he was something different, he was special and she had fed his to the dark. Tears fell to her eyes as she listened to their battle, sorry for her insolence and scared that she had killed the only beast that would be brave enough to face the dark, she had destroyed the one thing that could face such evil.

It was only when there was no sound, she found the unsteady breath she had been holding and opened her eyes. Looking down she found that her entire front was covered in blood, her arms weeping steadily. Her breaths came fast, her mouth open as she fought for each one. It was time, and she was ready. The dark would come for her, and now there would be no comfort and only a promise of hell. Painfully the girl looked up, ready to face the dark that had come for her. And for the first time since he had arrived Mati made any sort of noise. Hugging herself tighter Mati cried, and through flooded eyes she saw that it was only Onus that stood before her. Alive, whole. He had saved her, and the revelation only made her shake more. Her voice was lost in her fight to breathe, but she mouthed the words over and over. They sounded only as harsh gasps.

I’m sorry.


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