Times of Healing

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They all had someone that they looked up to, or held dear. Heath thought of his brother and sister, he thought of how he had missed them when apart and how distant he felt from them still. They had found their father, the murderer and rapist, but there was no closure. Nothing would be right until the beast met his death, and Heath prayed it was at his fangs. Such a thing could either bring them together, or bring them miles apart. Heath feared that it only set them apart, each with their own separate agenda. It made him want to forget all of it, though impossible. And he would always miss them, however far they fall from each other.

He took a breath, and waited for Ruri to speak. He was unsure what she would say, fearing that she would count him a fool. An optimistic fool, the male had never thought himself as one, but he had hope for her. If someone like herself couldn't have any hope, then what would a rouge like himself have to wish for? Her question received an answer quickly, though the words were solid and even. I do. And he did, he meant things that he himself didn’t fully understand, or at least understand how they had come from his mouth. Though he smiled at her look of confusion melded with amusement. It was her gratitude that Heath was unsure of how to take. He had never truly been the type to do anything that granted him such thanks. Her words made the skin under his furred face glow with warmth.

Sure that the insides of his ears were bright crimson he was grateful himself, that she could not see his embarrassment. Your welcome His voice was softer now, as he could find nothing else to say to her words but felt they had been honest and watched to her to know he was serious. He looked her over and spoke again, this time with less concern for a missing friend but for her And you’ve seen a healer?Someone had tended to her wounds? They looked on the road to healing, and she did not smell of blood. Though he wanted to settle his own concern and that evidence was not enough.

table by erin


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