Missing some of the pieces
DaVinci had showed up and asked just what happened and Firefly snarled, her temper was at it's worse as the anger boiled her blood. She flashed her emerald orbs at her brother as she spat. "Shut up DaVi and just help damn it!" It wasn't normal for the girl to freak out so horribly but this was even worse than the damage the bear had done. She had ripped most of the fabric from the bottom of her dress already and was starting in hurriedly on stopping the bloodflow.

Firefly had been trying to tie off one of the nastier wounds when the scream and thrashing of her younger friend caused the cotton fabric to be ripped from her hands. She ignored Leroy's words and instead reached up to grab Svara by the ruff along the side of her face. "Svara! If you do that again I'm going to slap you! Do you UNDERSTAND me!" She had never hit Svara before but if the girl was going to fight them the whole way she was going to do what she needed to to keep her in line and let them work efficiently.

She turned her eyes back to Jacquez and his question for just a second before she turned and cast her eyes down at her bloodtinged hands. "He was our leader.. in Dahlia de Mai.." Her hand balled in a fist as she growled. "The pack believed I did him wrong, but he deserves far worse than what I did to him.." She cast tears of frustration from her eyes as she began to wipe at the blood on Svara's pelt, trying to find just where the wounds the blood was seeping from.

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