Missing some of the pieces
DaVinci rolled his eyes as his sister's hot temper was thrown his way. He was use to her overreactions but he had to admit that this time that she was right atleast. He shut his mouth and knelt down beside the girl as he began to unpack the aid kit that he'd had in his pack. It seemed that Firefly and Jacquez had most everything undercontrol for the moment but DaVinci brought out a bottle of alcohol and doused a bandage in the strong spirit as he began to apply it to her wounds that he could reach to try and keep the infection at bay. He tried to ignore all the hustle and bustle around him but it was hard to do. When he realized just what everyone was saying he shook his head. "What is wrong with you, just carry her damn it!" He didn't understand just what everyone was going on about, the girl was wounded but she seemed to be whole, minus a few parts she could live without.

DaVinci ignored the others as he finished cleaning out the wounds. He shook his head as he turned his eyes to the others. "I can't do anything until we get her to a secure location." He didn't like to admit defeat even for a moment but unless they could figure out just what they were doing he was going to be useless and it was more than obvious that the woman needed stitched up.

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