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Hover over text for translation. 417

Catalyst knew she was after a choice hare with the rustling before her while she was running blind through the tall grasses, but of course those creatures were simply too fast for her being. Letting it disappear, the ivory pup was actually getting quite dizzy in the maze of grasses, and decided to opt out to her little prize of a bird she trampled over before. It took her a while before she was able to successfully backtrack back to her pile of rocks and the dead bird, and with doing so the sparse few grasses lay her vision's cover to a much larger presence that happened upon her bird. Not fully revealing herself just yet (but her sound in the tall grasses giving a sure give away of her presence, not to mention the grasses quivering by themselves as she pushed through them), Catalyst stopped for a second to identify who was at her pile of rocks.

An adult, one that wasn't recognizable, and one she had not seen in the church before. From what was seen, she was a tawny like female, with a black muzzle and eyes that were just like the ocean at Whisper Beach. She seemed to be adjusting the dead pretty bird, perhaps contemplating what to do with the adult's discovery. This didn't make Catalyst mad, for she was the one who initially trampled over it and found it, but made her rather curious to see what the adult was deciding to do with the little thing.

Figuring it would probably do no good to keep standing here (because in a sense, Catalyst didn't want the bird to be eaten just yet, she had other plans for it), and for the fact the adult might have heard or seen her already, her ivory figure began to materialize from the tall grasses until her alabaster, small figure was in full view. Ears perked forward, her dual hued eyes were more trained upon the fallen bird than the adult at first, but quickly transitioned to the female to where she now got a better look at her from the grasses that were otherwise distracting the full picture. Her eyes were brighter than Catalyst realized, and they were really that pretty. She was a pretty adult. "Guten tag." She greeted with slight apprehension, knowing that most adults here didn't recognize her native tongue, but decided to speak in it anyway. She stopped at a comfortable distance, her eyes now back on the little bird.


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