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WC: 361
ooc: Most certainly! Smile

I've got soul but I'm not a soldier

The cold-hearted loner seemed to regard him with those soulless black eyes, and then its jaws parted to speak again. To correct him; he was not Cwmfen's, but rather, Cwmfen belonged to him. Slay's snarls grew louder instinctually, as the spirit's intentions seemed to flicker from amusement to malevolence. The warrior-woman was his packmate, his leader, and his friend. He did not know whether or not she was aware of this brute's presence, whether her Dream had warned her, but if anything spoke of darkness approaching, it was this man. He embodied the tendrils of shadow that chased about his paws. Slay would stand between him and his beloved pack, as long as he could. He had promised to protect them...

Without warning, the creature vanished.

No, not gone, just melted into the darkness as it leapt for him, the eerie halo of white streaking towards his chest the only precursor he got. Slay tried to react, but something within him had frozen. It had been too long since his last fight - his instincts had rusted over, become sluggish and unresponsive. He had gone soft. The raven-demon slammed into him, tumbling him brutally to the ground. His skull smacked painfully against the hard earth, droplets of water from his wet fur flying into the night air. Pain crashed behind his eyes, exploding all over his body as the otherworldly beast's claws raked across his sternum, spattering the hungry earth with his dark blood.

Then, with the coppery scent burning his nostrils, then he could move. The Lupus rolled onto his back, flashing jaws snapping shut on air. He lashed out with his legs - kick kick kick kick - pummeling the heavyweight atop him with his blunt claws, trying to break his assailant with the rapid strokes. It was not a fair fight - the Secui was taller, stronger, faster, bigger. Had every advantage. And while he did not know this, Corvus's colorblindness gave him a clearer view of Slay's black-and-white form. This would not last long, unless he could force his panicking mind to invent a strategy, or force his adrenaline-pumped body to try shifting for the first time...


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