I am as sweet as candy


........ Her glance stayed firmly on the dog as he spoke. She grasped the synonyms, and rather appreciated being compared to a flower. The youth was not particularly fond of blossoms, but the universal opinion of them spoke of beauty, and that was how he saw her. A fragile flower, leaning towards the sun. He would not allow anyone to step on her and make her wither. He leaned slightly closer, and her nose caught up the foul scent of alcohol upon his breath. Although the need to wrinkle her nose was there, she made sure no such response was made obvious to the man. Halo was not used to alcohol. She knew what it was and what purposed it served, but the girl had yet to taste the fire water. She let her breath channel through her mouth, putting the traffic through her nostrils to a minimum to ease the unfamiliar and unpleasant scent. She could deal with it.

He touched her wild fringe, and she willingly let him, though there was a gentle pinch of doubt. The male seemed pleasant enough, and he was no wolf. There was dog in him, much more than in her. She could not tell if he was of pure breed or not, but should these things matter? It did to her, although she was aware that she was being hypocritical for doing it. There was more wolf in her than coyote and dog, and yet she felt reluctance rise whenever she thought about the Canis Lupus. Vitium had taught them well, his words resided deep within her and reminded her of her magnificent heritage every day. The man’s voice sounded again, and the coy grin bloomed yet again in her face, her crimson orbs twinkling with hidden laugh. ”Maybe?” her voice announced, playful as ever, serving it as a question back. Should she be?

Her slender hand rose to touch his chest, and she slowly let her fingers brush his light fur as they slowly slid down towards his belly. Beneath the magnificent fur and skin, the muscles were compact and evident. Just then, she felt like the fragile flower, facing something more powerful, someone that could quickly ruin her if her beauty did not take his breath away. She failed to see any cruelness in him, though, but his form spoke of that strength that predators longed for when they were to extinguish foolish, little girls. Suddenly the girl started to turn away, though she seemed to hesitate when he was on her side. Her face turned to gaze upon the man again, that welcoming twinkle still apparent in her intense eyes.

”Show me the way to the closest candy store?” the young girl asked, a light plea in her melodic voice. Would he be so kind to accompany her? The city looked big and dangerous, and who would be better to keep her safe than him? Her voice seemed to echo her thoughts, and she erratically let the hand that had been on him moments before lift to her own, slightly more curved chest, clenching her hand into a fist. Seductive yet so innocent. No one should be able to resist.


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