They can see us, but do they know?


........ He revealed a terrible thing. Noir’s mouth twisted into a frown of unhappiness. How could he have lied to her so easily? There was hurt in those golden eyes of hers, because grown ups did not lie, at least not about such things as these. It was a small and insignificant lie in general, but that did not soothe her hurt. Why would he do such a thing? They were about to become best friends (in Noir’s word, this was) and he was jeopardizing it all by lying at her. A whine sounded entwined in his voice, and so her facial expression quickly settled to something calmer, convinced that it was regret that sounded in his voice. Her uncle said that he sat on it, and it was still a bit weird, but much better than the fart version.

Still, she was not truly satisfied, and her eyes sought the running water, for the first time eager to re-enter the cool water. Would one fish be enough? He picked her up quickly, and her eyes widened in light aggravation, because she believed she knew the reason why he was doing it. Noir knew that she could be rather determined once she wanted something, but just lifting her up and carrying her away would not work that well anymore, because her brain was maturing together with her body, and she was able to think clearer and better than she had a month ago when they first met. ”I want to fish fishies too, Uncle Ho!” she stated firmly.


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