Times of Healing
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v295/ ... 5/ruri.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
Still waters run deep

Her delicate hands rubbed the numerous, healing cuts that covered her legs, now feeling a bit self conscious because Heath had asked her about them. Well, he hadn't technically asked about her wounds. He had asked about her seeing a healer, but that was only a slight difference. His question was easy to answer, though. "Yes I've seen a healer. One of the people I live in this cabin with is a healer. When they first found me three days ago, she put some sort of paste on all of my cuts. It smelled really good, but I guess most of it has rubbed off by now," she admitted, noticing that indeed the pleasant smell of the beech paste was no longer mingled with the scent of her fur. The slender, short collie dog was comfortable enough to relax her curled up posture, unwrapping her arms from around her knees and allowing her legs to stretch out in front of her. The strange male beside her didn't sound all that comfortable with what had just transpired between them, but she felt comfortable around him. She was still unsure as to why he had chosen to stick around after she had undergone another emotional breakdown, especially when they had just met.

The blue merle and ivory border collie continued to sit there, quietly, her long, straight hair blowing in the gentle ocean front breeze. What more could she say? He had just been so encouraging and yet she could think of nothing else to say. "W-what were you brooding over, Heath?" she questioned, timidly. Why had she just asked that? This conversation had just started getting positive. Surely he was not as ready to reveal his personal demons to her as she had been to him. Who would want to be so open?


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