Learning Life's Lessons
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What was he making it for? Oh, this was yet another seemingly simple question made difficult by the fact that Rath was not well practiced in explaining things to pups. However, he had done alright with explaining what he was doing. How hard could this next question be? "I'm making it this way so that I can make a greenhouse. It's a house made out of wood and glass that people grow plants in. I'm building it for a friend of mine," the ruddy hued male explained, his gooseberry green eyes gleaming excitedly. He wondered if this female had met Colibri yet. It would not surprise him if she hadn't. Coli was as shy as him, and not one to seek out the companionship of others. However he did not know whether the shy, chocolate female was as comfortable around pups as he apparently was. If that were the case then perhaps the shy wolfess could have met young Catalyst here. The white-flecked male blinked his eyes only to realize that he had been staring dazedly while he was thinking. That was really a habit he needed to remedy. Fortunately his daydream had not consumed all of his thoughts, for he had heard the young pup announce her name and then ask where his name came from. Now this was another good question. This pup seemed to be full of good questions. Where was his name from? The tall male knit his brow for a moment as he tried to think of an answer. In truth he did not know. His mother had said she and his father had given him the name because they had liked it, but he had never asked them why they had liked it so much or what it meant. "I don't know what my name means, Catalyst. I never asked my parents," he confessed with an amused smile. "What about your name? What does Catalyst de Sadira mean?" He chuckled slightly, wanting to see if the pup would be able to offer an explanation of her own name. It seemed like a fair question. Perhaps it would make the pup think and she would go inquire of her parents...if she had any. Now there was a disturbing idea. To grow up without parents. Rath could not imagine such a life. However, Rath quickly dispelled his own fears as he remembered seeing Catalyst with Slay. Perhaps Slay was her parent. However, this did not seem entirely likely. After all Slay had only mentioned having a mate. Surely the large, friendly male would have mentioned if he was a father as well. Therefore Henratha concluded that Catalyst must simply be under the care of Slay and Cercelee. So, now that his mind had arrived at a logical conclusion based upon the limited facts he had gained, the shaggy carpenter watched the odd-eyed white pup to hear what her answer to his question would be.


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