I'll Take What's Due [M]
Sounds fine (: Naniko's supposed to help with her injuries, so I'm just gonna gloss over them a bit for the sake of the thread.

Pain. For days, all she felt was pain. It was subsiding, now, healing, although she refused any bandages or cloths. The husky Leroy had fractured her rib, thankfully not sending it into her lung, and left dozens of marks along her sides. They healed and faded into redpink scars, marring her ruddy coat. The worst of them stood out on the left side of her chest, where her breast would be, were she shifted. A dent and a knob of angry scar tissue, some blood still clinging stubbornly to the pale chest fur. But no matter-- the husky had given her a gift, unbeknown to him, and she smirked at the irony. As she had lied in her den, her body given out from aches and blood loss, her Father had descended to her in the darkness, warming her in it. He had breathed into her eyes, shown her the path to Darkness. Abandoning of self. He had told her a great many more things, things no soul had ever known or would know-- but they had faded back into the darkness, out of her mind. It was these she sought now, and for this reason, she suddenly thought of Vendetta.

The pied brute had lingered in her thoughts since she met him. He had been holy, transcendent. She wondered at him, idolized him. Jealousy sparked in her father's devil-red eyes when she thought of him, but she couldn't resist. He had told her before that she was not ready, and she wondered if she was ready now. Since the incident, the lady had abandoned shifting, given away her heroin. These pleasures of the human world tainted her and kept her from the True Path. She entered into the Dampwoods, breathing in the darkness, remembering their last encounter, their only encounter, and yet she yearned for him. She hoped her eagerness wouldn't turn him away from her.

It was not surprising that she sensed his presence here. Wasn't it always going to be that she would meet him again? The scarred woman moved quietly, bleeding herself into the shadows. She felt graceful, in control in this form. He was near- but where? Perhaps the same place he had been. Sabeen moved slowly, unworried. A pied crow passed her above, and she felt a curious tingling pass through her spine. He was here. She moved into the clearing and stopped, resting her wheat-hued eyes on his black and white form.

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