Missing some of the pieces


DaVi; of course, that was his name. Jacquez watched his former shipmate with curiosity, wondering whether any other faces from his sailing days had settled in this northern territory. The two siblings, silver and gold, seemed to be as short-tempered as ever around each other. He winced as Svara writhed and screamed again, her shrill voice piercing his ears. Mercifully, she lost consciousness, slumping limply in the arms of her devoted mate. The collie frowned as Leroy immediately scooped her up, hugging her bloodied form to his chest. What of the stretcher? What if she had broken bones, or wounds to her spinal cord? Jutting his lip in a disapproving pout, he decided not to add his voice to the cacophony, and turned instead to Firefly. "Your blue-eyed demon is the leader of a pack...? Our pack will not let this assault go unpunished." He did not want a war, but there were ways to mete out justice without bringing innocents into it. Perhaps this violent ex-mate of hers would not want word getting out to his packmates. He could be manipulated into meeting them one on one. Or something; he would take care of the plotting later. For now, he was just a one-armed dog that was getting in the way. Haven could help Leroy carry her. Firefly and DaVinci would handle the medical side of things. Stomping down the beach to lead the way back to the cabin, he passed by his Ruri, fretting silently amidst the storm of panic. He let his fingertips reassuringly brush her shoulder; she would know it was him, if only because he was the only one allowed to touch without permission. But he was in a foul enough temper, knowing that some arrogant prick-ear had already challenged his authority, attacking one of his pets. If this predator thought he could get away with it because Svara was a lowly loner, well, he was dead wrong. Just for the hell of it, Jac would make her a leader too. Then no one could ignore the violence. Then the blue-eyed whelp would answer to him... A wicked smile spread across his lean muzzle. Already, the situation was back under his control.


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