A dog's life
http://img216.imageshack.us/img216/7228 ... bottom.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
Sorry, I was away for two weeks!

He was just about to set the wood on fire when he heard a voice behind him. “Oh bugger.” And he didn’t turn to face the lady who had addressed him. Instead he struck the match to the stone and watched it ignite, then lowered it to the dry grass and twigs at the bottom of his wood heap. The hungry flame quickly devoured the kindling and it wasn’t long before the bigger pieces of wood began to catch. Sure his fire wouldn’t die out, the bulky husky turned slowly to see who it was who interrupted him and he hoped they did appear too hungry. He didn’t quite like to share.

Eyes widened at the female and a stupid grin appeared on his face. “Oh, well hello there miss, sorry to have kept ya waiting.” She was pretty, and a pretty female was always much more tolerable than an ugly one. Or even an average one. Perhaps he hadn’t given Phoenix Valley enough credit, were there others he should be getting to know. “I’m just about to make a meal, care to join me?” His smile was charming, his eyes warm, but his mind of course, like many males, dirty. He was only glad Whinnie was gone so she couldn’t warn the ladies away from him. Even if he had no shot, it was the chasing part that was fun.


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