the warmest part of the winter - p mati
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Lannen didn't seem to notice that she had mistaken the way, but as she looked at her face it was easy to see that he was the one that was finding their way. There was concentration in his features, letting his senses take over and find the way. The girl was slightly embarrassed (beyond the already huge amount she felt) that he needed to lead her around her own home. It was easy though, allowing him to choose the path but the speed at which he wanted to go was something Mati had once thought she wasn't ready for.

He wanted speed, and if it hadn't been for his speed in pulling her along Mati would have been able to stop and really think. Their clasped hands tugging her along and sending her into a run without a second thought. Legs worked as if they didn't even need her mind to move them. The male was faster then she was, even with her long legs. The air sang softly in her ear, and ran through her hair. He was taking the lead and she was so suddenly unsure if she would be able to keep their hands clasped as they moved. You trying to get rid of me? She yelled ahead, with a laugh in her voice. Of course she was sure he wasn't, but he didn't need to go so fast.

In the moment after she spoke, Mati noticed that they had arrived at their destination. Quickly, as if they hardly ran at all. Violet eyes looked out onto the dark placid lake, watching as he barely paused before slipping into the water. His white form broke the solid surface of the water, and she hesitated. It only took a moment, but she stepped into the night chilled water, looking at his face as she expressed her concern. You won't let me drown? Or would he want her to swim its length? He had pushed her this far...

table by Syd


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