she's resolved to}}


It was hard to tell if the cat had noticed the other's arrival before his greeting or not. She didn't look particularly startled or even nervous when he spoke, and she hadn't given any indication earlier that she'd tuned in to his slow approach. Quite simply enough, he was met with the flattening of black ears and a mildly curious glance from bright blue eyes. There was nothing threatening or aggressive about her in that moment; not in the slightest. She sat lazily, her long and sleek figure slightly hunched at the shoulders, while her thick tail flicked sluggishly, curled around her side.

True enough, the wolf was lucky to have forgotten such trinkets and charms as cougar claws and other paraphernalia, however unoffensive it was meant to be. To Ciceroux, it would have meant something else.. something perhaps worth a bit of aggression. Just the same, the necklace is not there and this wolf - two-legged mutation that he may be - was hardly a threat to the big cat. He might've been taller, but Ciceroux was a climber and would've had little trouble scaling his humanish body to catch his throat. Oh! But he has only said hello, and that hardly warrants thoughts such as these. Ciceroux's black lips pulled into a faint smile and she rolled her shoulders back, straightening her posture a bit.

"Hi there," she returns, her voice velvety and soft. A quiet purr might even be detected, mingled in the back of her throat. "Somethin I can do for you, luv?"


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