Look for the girl with the sun in her eyes

.......out of character

She lifted her sopping wet head out of the lake, a big smile upon her muzzle. Her thirst was finally satisfied! Her belly heavy with water the youngster turned away from the lake, shaking her head so that it would dry off faster. She was sure that her fur was every-which-way, but she didn't mind it. She didn't even look back into the lake to see her fur and see how messed up it was. Fully satisfied with life now that her thirst had been quenched, the wolf took a few steps forward.

She stopped when she saw the stranger, a slow frown appearing on her face. She had thought these were neutral lands--why would someone she didn't know be approaching her? With narrowed eyes she took another step closer. Hmmm. Time to put her investigative skills to the test. "N Juss who are yew?" She asked, trying not to wince as her still-sore paw touched the ground. Investigators couldn't have limps.

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