The sky is full of holes today

.......Hey Syd--just a reminder about Powerplay. You can't say that Svara grabbed Miriette's wrists. You can say that Svara reached for her wrists, or attempted to grab them, but not that she actually grabbed them. Please edit that part.

There was a lot of talking, but Addison was beyond all of it. The world was spinning; she didn't know it, but her body was going through a lot of shock. She had never been hurt before in her life...just sick. And Jefferson had always been there to help her when she had been ill. He had always been there. So where was he now? That thought made her come to life a little bit and she looked around, blue and gold eyes frantic. "Daddyyyyyyy! Daddyyy!!"

Where could he be?! He was supposed to protect her, not these strangers. She wanted him, and she wanted him right now. "Daaddd...Daddyyyy" She cried, trying to struggle once more.

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