ciao, zio

She looked as she did most days, her long brown-black hair held back in a loose ponytail. She'd beaded brightly colored feathers into it today along with small pieces of shell and a few other small, shiny things. She wore a black cloak that came together with a button around her neck and flowed over her shoulders, a weapons-belt clearly visible as she walked. She had wanted to give Bayard some exercise but he wasn't quite ready to be ridden she'd stuck to walking with him. The black and white horse walked alongside her, the little feathers and beads that she had put in his mane clicking together every few strides as the great beast moved.

A fence came into view in the distance, and she stopped walking for a moment. Break time. Bayard wouldn't go anywhere without her, so she simply let go of the bit of mane she had been holding onto, flopping down onto the grass on her back. "Bayard, don't you ever get tired? I've had a stitch in my side for a mile...but you just keep going. What is with you?" She asked the horse.


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