a song and dance invisible

.......As they walked, Hemming admired the land that laid around them. The sky seemed to have such a perfect clarity here, the air was crisp, and the grasses swayed with a wonderful rhythm. Perfection. A change of scenery was nice, especially when the new area was so pleasant. Though a part of his mind longed for the things he had left behind, all the sadness was replaced with an excitement of the potential these lands held. The male was eager to meet some more of his new tribemates, and hoped that he would become one of those wolves that did like to help out. Based on his limited pack experience, he would classify himself as more of a reclusive type. Perhaps, after years of being alone, the promise of interaction would draw him out a bit more.

.......He nodded at the statement, lost in thought about what she had said for a few moments. It was quite nice to take a walk with someone who knew where she was going. Hemming was quite capable of wandering, but even if he found somewhere of extreme beauty it wasn't necessarily a place that was important to the pack. Following the girl, he would learn more.

.......The male was watching out to his left, where a hawk seemed to be simply floating high in the air, and brought his head forward again when Ember asked about his name. "I'm not completely sure why I'm called that. The pack was from Scandinavia, but any generations that had actually been there are long gone by now. I suppose the Scandinavian names are left as an artifact of their old culture..." A small smile tugged the corners of his lips. The question had uncovered a little bit of Hemming that wished he knew more about his birthpack.

.......Peering at the entrance to the girl's den, Hemming nodded. He didn't have a great sense of direction, and since he had followed someone there he would be lucky if he would be able to find this place again without spending a quarter of a day. Noting the river near by, a landmark that was not extremely specific but provided a path he could follow, he turned his gaze to Tayui's cave. The newcomer had not yet met her, but he told himself he would bring something by. The thought of doing so gave Hemming a warm feeling. Living alone didn't give you a chance to do little things like that, and he liked the idea. Perhaps he could try a bit more cooking, too; it didn't seem worth it to cook just for yourself, but if he had someone to share with he could certainly justify the work that went into it.

"This is a very nice little place," he said, walking a bit further to get a glimpse of a few more caves. One of these would certainly do, and perhaps Hemming would be able to set up a nice bookshelf and a desk to store whatever he found in the city. His grin grew broad as he peeked inside one of the caves, clearly very excited.


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