What I called home

He only assumed she was? How idiotic could she be, she had just given him a statement that revealed this fact. ”The evidence is right in front of me, I even have your words as proof.” How dared she talk to him like that, foolish little girl. Nothing was a problem because the girl had left at the same when she had revealed her uselessness. This was why Haku had been one of those that had not bothered showing up nor returning the howl when she had announced her departure. The girl was a dimwit, worthless, and it was good to have her back. However, he did not want her here, near Dahlia. She was not worthy. ”Stop you from what, leaving because of your ignorance and selfishness? You seem to have troubles understanding what I say, why would I ever stop you from performing a favour for Dahlia, like the one where you threw your sorry little ass out?” It was not a question he sought an answer to, because she bored him with her pitiful behaviour, believing his words were wrong, twisting his sentences into things he did not say. He did not understand what she was saying, if he was going to be like this now, why not stop her when she had the chance? Stop her from what? It made no sense. The man bared his fangs and ran straight for the girl.

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