Can music save your mortal soul?
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Shall we fade to black?

Success! Very little matched the pure, unadulterated joy of untarnished success. That couldn't have gone more smoothly if the entire hunt had been choreographed (as if any deer would volunteer for that). And there was so little of it in Phoenix's life that he cherished moments like these. Still on top of the now-deceased doe, the massive male allowed himself a brief moment of pup-like enthusiasm with a burst of motion with his tale. He allowed the golden moment to permeate every fiber of his still adrenaline-concentrated body.

Leaping off the dead body, he nodded his thanks to Tamerlane. The alpha couldn't wait to bring their prize home to the rest of the pack and share it with them. "Good job," he commended, though he doubted if his compliment merited much in the other wolf's eyes. Tamerlane was one of the few who hadn't know Phoenix back before he had become alpha, and as such didn't know him as anything but a leader, but that only made it more important for Phoenix to keep up the act around him. But they had worked well together this day, for the good of their pack. Hopefully this would just be the first such event of many to come.

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