where the river flows - p heath
Lannen turned and opened brown eyes, not realizing that he had closed them in the first place. He had been intent on listening, or almost standing still as the wind blew around him. The wind was warm, a herald for the heat of summer as spring began to fade. It would be soon that the sun would rule the sky once more, chasing the clouds away indefinitely. The changing of the seasons had never really fascinated the white wolf before. He had never been one to document the passage of time. But as his life changed, he became painfully aware of time, as if it was a dividing line, a wall that closed him off from everything he had known and believed before.

A voice had called out to him. Brown eyes sought the source of the sound, and he blinked once. He recognized the two legged form of the yearling he had met several weeks before. That had been an incident that the white man wouldn't be quick to forget. Although young, the wolf harbored quite an anger within him, and he had a mean right hook. Lannen rubbed his jaw unconsciously, remembering their altercation which had ended in confusing laughter and a truce of some sort.

But this time around, that volatile energy was absent. Instead, Heath seemed to be seeking something. Lannen looked around, but didn't see anything of any particular interest or significance that stood out to him. Crossing his arms over his chest, he leaned against the tree beside him. "Hey, man," he called out. He kept the level of his voice under control. Heath seemed to have a headache. He supposed he could be civil to the guy, for now at least. "What brings you here?"

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