soaking in scenery
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Not anymore >XD

I'll meantion Ghostly Hollow, as it's already an sub-territory of AniWaya

The male asked for a milder test. Attila wasn't expecting for it, but it was, still, a predictable move. Silly newbie... He made that musing face again, but made it look as a deep thought moment. He liked to hear his mother sighting when he made that face, as he was thinking of what she just said. The only thing was that he wasn't even remembering of what she sais. Sometimes, he barely payed attention to her. And she knew he wasn't payig attention. It was a fun game for him. Even a pastime, for when he in one of those multiples time-outs.

"Well... I think there is one..." he said, and mused to the skies once more, before laying his eyes on the grown-up male. In his eyes, more precisely. A depp, burning stare. His cold, soul-and-heartless grayish blue eyes piercing the man's eyeballs. That look with his evil grin was, definitely, a mad psycho face.

And, don't matter how weird it could be or sound, he loved that glare. The way other people reacted to it was fun for him. When they flinched, felt a chill, eyes popped out, cold sweated, and even whinned... he felt that wave of inner peace and warm. It made his day, to know others feared him. Fear was power, at least in his mind.

"You'll have to pass through a courage test in..." one more pause, longer now, to make tension grow thicker in the air between the two wolves. "... Ghostly Hollow!" he finally spoke, a daring tone in his voice, an a dramatic pose, to finish the scene. If there was anyone else with them, they would gasp, in horror and shock. He knew the secrets of Ghostly Hollow. Filled with old, human bones, dark as a winter night, ice cold. He knew the stories. Only the ones that knew every inch of that labyrinth could have a chance. It was tricky, and anyone who entered it, never came back. Him and Oce thought they would be lucky to find a canine skeleton there, but Noir ran and told their mother. They got a week trapped in the den. Trying not to shake the head to forget that memory, he came back to reality.

"Are you strong enough to take my dare?" he asked, daring him. It was missing a last phrase for the dare to be effective. "Or are you just a scarred chicken?" he said, a petulant tone. He started then, to pretend being a chicken, dancing around the grown-up. It made the dare more keen to work.


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