Walking with a Ghost
http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g210/ ... table4.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
feel free to PP them going inside and Mati being set down and whatnot.

A shock passed through her, and the jar that the healer had been holding fell from her grip, hitting the kitchen floor with a shatter. Something was wrong. She didn't move, standing still for a moment, her ears pinned back as thoughts raced through her mind. Before Naniko knew it she was running, turned in the opposite direction of the kitchen, into the living room, out of the living room, onto the porch and down the front steps. It was purely instinctual. As soon as her large foot hit the ground a howl filled the air, a howl meant entirely for her and her alone. She recognized the voice of her daughter and the horrible feeling in her chest intensified.

Long, muscular legs took the Commander to the stranger who carried her daughter, giving him a startled look. She'd never seen anyone like him before. There wasn't time to stare, however; she could see blood, lots of it, caked on in various places on both of them. What had happened? She tried to keep calm. It was different when it was one of her own children, not some random patient. It was hard for her not to let her emotions rule. She reached out for Mati, unsure if the girl was concious or if the stranger would hand her over. "Give me the story later, or while I'm working. But I need to get her inside." She wanted to be the one to do it, to carry the girl the rest of the way and take her into the mansion. Her baby...her child...how could something have happened to her?


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