The sky is full of holes today
Everything seemed to come crashing down at once as Svara pushed her hands out of the way and took over. Miriette had been about to protest as suddenly the child let out with screaming howls. She took a step back from the trap and the other woman as the sounds of another crashing through the brush met her ears. She whirled around and found herself face to face with her father once more. He made certain that she had no help in saving the small child as he wrenched the trap apart and hastily wrapped her paw in his sling. Anger bubbled up as he seemed to accuse her off the child's distress. "How I know!" she said as she threw her arms up in disgust and abandoned Svara there with the trap alone.

She glared over at the leader and her father as she growled. "You're idiot!" She gestured in disgust at how he'd so quickly covered her paw instead of examining the wound. "That doesn't make better! Needs attention!" She knew that a child healed better than an adult but he was suppose to be their leader, he was suppose to be smart and know how to handle situations like this.

Her silvery grey eyes, the eyes of her grandmother narrowed as she watched him so tenderly handle the child. "You lied." She said accusingly. He'd told them he had no children, yet here was a child that clearly believed him her father. Had he lied just to make them leave, did he really want nothing to do with them.

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