What to Think of the Unexpected
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"He was troubled when I saw him last," the soft melody considered, as if such a thing warranted incompetence. But she wondered what it was now that troubled DaVinci so—and she did allow herself to believe that he was troubled, for he always seemed to allow himself to fall into such moods. "These things are of his personal life," the soft voice continued (and she wondered briefly how well this male knew the hybrid, presuming to know such things of his life). "Are they to an extent that they are conflicting with his duties?" For the warrior, it was quite simple to separate the two aspects of life. As she had demonstrated with the expulsion of Svara, when her duty was involved, her personal life mattered very little. But the woman also considered the fact that others may not allow such a clear-cut line to intervene the two aspects. Perhaps DaVinci was truly allowing such a thing to happen. But the woman could not be sure—it was interesting, at least, to hear what a pack member would say about the leadership. She wondered if similar talk occurred within Dahlia.

The black fae was surprised to hear that Maluki was related to both the Rosea and the Lilium. Perhaps she should not have been, however, for she had swiftly realized that the bloodlines within these lands were far spread and well known. But for a foreigner such as herself, such a thing was easily forgotten. "I had forgotten how potent that lineage was," the alto melody replied with a smile. None of her leaders had mentioned this relation, though it was not something of which the Adonis had inquired. And she did not expect Haku to reveal such things to her, if such a relation even mattered to the distant Lilium. "Are you close to them?" The woman had come from a culture that encouraged loyalty to blood; even the culture of her father that ran through her veins demanded respect and obedience of the elders of the family. While many families within these lands proved to be distant, she wondered if Maluki’s case would differ.

With the mention of the threat that Brennt posed, Maluki seemed to change. He held a commanding air about him, and she knew that the small talk of before was nothing compared to this. Quietly, the woad marked fae wondered who exactly this male was within the hierarchy of Phoenix Valley. And she was not surprised to hear that a pup of this pack was also attacked. It was foolish of the yellow eyed predator to pursue the young of packs—at least lone wolves would be alone, as their status so deftly implied. The woman knew that she could no longer tolerate him. "I do not know where he is from," the warrior admitted, "but he often frequents the outskirts of Halifax city." She remembered how the predator had marked his territory there, barring her from proceeding. "He is dangerous because he learns quickly the attacks of his opponents. I would have finished him off had it not been for the safety of a Dahlian pup." And yet, she wondered if she would be so lucky the next time she met Brennt, and she knew that there would be a next time.


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