The sky is full of holes today

The child started to scream. Of course she did. The red she wolf ground her teeth as her sensitive ears laied flat on her skull. She couldn't get angry at the scarred child, but it was hard to concentrate under the shouting for her parent figure. Of course the call was good for Svara in the end. A male burst through the foliage and was suddenly there helping her pull the trap open. The moment the trap was open the male had the girl in his arms. Svara didn't like the ignorance of the males actions, but he was also protecting his child, so she would give him a moment before demanding him to put the girl down.

All to soon he had his eye on the other female, and was growling at her. Svara didn't do anything as he went to let his anger out on what was probably a lowly member of the pack. To bad the girl didn't have time for the two to duel it out. Standing the red she wolf was quick to notice that the male had only one eye like she did, it made her feel a little better in the situation. Her mind was working and ideas were forming and she knew this was a good time to make friends.

"Ignore the useless, you need to put the girl down so I can fix her wound, or she will be as crippled as you." Svara said in her husky voice her eye already trying to look for the injured appendage on the little girl. She had come here in search of more herbs, and now she was here to help the child. Weather the male would snap at her or not Svara wasn't sure, not that she really cared. If he was so stupid as to scoff at her help, then she would just leave and let them all suffer. The pack probably had a healer anyways.


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