can you fake it for just one more show
Brennt's modern mind had been subordinated to his primitive one earlier in the day. The predator, a title that he had never heard and never used, a word he barely understood on the best of days, was the best descriptor of the consciousness that dominated him now. The personalities were not different, only expressed differently. Brennt was, in truth, both mindsets, but could not consolidate the memories clearly between the two. He knew it was him, all the time, but things were so much different when he went from one to the other that he felt like someone else. His Nowry Half, the person that he had been when he lived at Nowry Village, his birth pack, and his Lone Half, who he had discovered the day that Pallok had tried to kill him, and the following days when he had begun hunting on his own. He would be happy with just his Lone Half, if he didn't have Maz for a friend, and if other wolves didn't try to talk to him with their words.

The predator was hungry. It was limited by Brennt's needs. Brennt was a product of defective sophistication. He was smarter than his ancestors, but not smart enough to fit into modern wolf societies. He was too smart to just be himself, the wolf he would have been without the spread of the human virus. The worded side had tried to understand society, and it had hurt him. His mother had betrayed him, and loved her new pups more than she loved him, who was her special boy. He had eaten them so that he could be her favorite again, but now she hated him. The predator understood very little of the mechanics behind the situation, but it did understand that it inherited Brennt's need for stress-relief by way of puppy-eating. The habit had developed many months ago, after the second time he had tried it and discovered that it not only had made him feel better when he'd finally gotten rid of his younger brothers and sisters, but that it made him feel better every time. The predator did not understand, nor did it care, why it had the need to do this. It only knew that it had the need, and it had the ability to fill it.

With wild haste, it blew past the black female, having spied the little girl for several moments, inching closer to the two of them behind the brambles. Cinder's eyes grew wide as she looked past Miriette, and her lips trembles, before her jaw dropped and a shrill, terrified scream tore at the sky. The short scream concluded with a heavy sob as she saw the yellow-eyed monster sprinting toward her, past the adult of the pack that had taken her in, and she squeezed her eyes shut as the teeth plunged into her flesh. The predator did not stop, but clenched the muscles of its jaws as powerfully as it could, feeling rivulets of blood, bile, and other juices leaking from holes in her skin and pooling at the bases of its fangs. Cinder's sobs became choking cries, but she was too frightened to form words anymore. Fortunately, she was also too frightened to feel the full pain of the grievous wound as the monster ran with her in its jaws.

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