oh, for love we become larger than lifesize
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v515/ ... pupban.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
*totally just thought of Amata as a Terminator* XD Someone needs to name a wolf John Conor now, lmao

It was nice to know where she could always find her mate. While she had been stationary for these past moons, usually she was running around the lands doing something. Patrolling and remarking borders, checking in on the other members, dealing with leader and members from other packs. The demands on a leader were many and it took her all over the place. Knowing that at least one of them was in the same place most of the time helped anchor the pair. It would be good for the pups too, when they were older and out exploring on their own. But she wanted him to have a life as well. Knowing that he had things to occupy his time when she was away would make her feel less guilty about being apart from him for most of the day.

Savina giggled lightly back at him. "Yes, it would be. And you'll be sharing something you love with other people! That's very fulfilling." She had experienced that satisfaction when teaching Apollo how to speak Italian. "Well it's settled then, Kansas Lieutenant and Teacher of Crimson Dreams!" She nipped playfully at his jaw and gave him a wide grin. They couldn't get too rowdy with the pups sleeping on and around them, but they could still have a little fun.

"Me too." What thoughts were running through her son's sleeping mind? Was he dreaming of being big and strong, out on some exciting hunt? While that's what she wanted for him, she didn't want to think about him being all grown up. Not for a long while. "The most perfect things I've ever seen." She nuzzled against his chest. Her whole family was perfect.


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