to rest my head
Miriette noticed that the other lady seemed to be watching her as she played with the trinkets in her hair. A slight smile appeared on her maw as she untwisted a few of the beads and charms from her hair and held them in her hand as she asked. "You likes?" She knew she could always find more in the city and it was mighty lonely being on the bottom of everything in the pack, perhaps a friend was something she actually did need, despite her distrust of her father's pack for now. She opened her fingers to show the other lady the small shimmering objects as her eyes sparkled with amusement.

She asked of Miriette's brothers and it got a mixed reaction from the black and gold girl as she wrinkled her nose. "They around.." she said as she flicked her wrist back and forth off in the other direction. "Not here though.. outsiders.." Her brothers were always good at wandering off and they really wanted nothing to do with this new world where their father lived. It was a pity she thought for there was still a lot they didn't know of the man. Her eyes turned towards the woman as she apologized for all the questions. "There's nothing dah do.. just set up for sleeps." it probably seemed silly to everyone else that she slept in a hammock but to her it was great. She felt freer in the nets that held her close at night.

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