Walking with a Ghost

Onus's hopes were answered as a tall pale woman came running to them. So this was Mati's biological mother. It was clear now where the girl got her build. While Onus was large for coyote standards, he felt almost dwarfed by the woman. She was very tall and well built. He could see the worry that flooded her being through her green eyes. He was impressed though by her ability to stay relatively calm in the face of her daughter having been injured. She was strong, that was clear. Though she had to be to have made it through the rape.

Despite what the mother may have wanted, he continued to help carry Mati inside the mansion. The woman guided them to a couch sitting in the center of the great room and he helped lower the young girl onto it. She looked at him and once again apologized. He didn't know why she kept saying she was sorry. "You don't need to be sorry. Save your strength." Now that his muscles were done carrying her weight, they began to ache, especially where Corvus had landed hits on him. His ribs and abdomen were protesting the loudest. "Anything you need me to do?" he questioned the healer. He didn't know much, only how to tie a tourniquet, which he already had. He could assist though if it was needed.


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