can you fake it for just one more show
The dangerous dance that the two of them engaged in couldn't go on for much longer before someone came out ontop and she was beginning to realize that sooner or later she was probably going to be the one to fall. She let out a rumbling growl as she twisted away from the brute and out of his grasp for a moment before she landed heavily on her paws once more. In that small amount of time the beast had launched forward and had attempted to catch her off guard. In a whirl of twisted and turning bodies the two of them went crashing to the ground where Miriette knew that if she didn't get back to her feet she was surely in trouble.

The pain began to blossom along her side and elbow as she realized that the beast had managed to catch her under the forearm where her elbow joined close to her ribs. She tried to tug out of his reach and yet found that he had a firm hold on her flesh and if she tried to escape she wasn't going to be leaving whole. She tried to twist around and snap at his face, feeling her teeth sink into his ear a moment before she let go quickly and lifted her muzzle up, letting out a call to her packmates as quickly as she could, knowing if she wasn't careful that he would be able to reach her throat.

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