turn around and see yourself
The kids had been away so long that DaVinci didn't really know where to start with them. Skylar was older, she wasn't his baby girl anymore and he wasn't for certain he wanted to know just how much of this great big world she'd seen and what had caused such a complete turnaround in her once shy and quiet personality. He glanced over as she fired one of those questions at him that he knew would come. He braced his shoulders as he skipped another shell into the sea. "She's.. dead." He clinched his jaw tightly as he tried to keep from showing any emotion. They weren't certain how she had died or if she really was yet but he knew he'd sent her to her death with those angry words and he didn't even want to think of it.

His shoulders drooped as he pushed the thoughts aside as Skylar spoke of her travels, asking if he wanted to know more. He hesitated but asked instead. "If.. you don't ask me what happened to your grandmother. Ask Jefferson.. please." He didn't know if he'd ever really be able to talk about her now that she was gone but he wasn't ready yet, that much he did know. It might seem silly but it was just his way of dealing and healing.. by letting it rest.

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