turn around and see yourself

blah blah




The moment the words about Iskata passed her fathers lips Skylar stopped. Her breath seemed to stop in her chest. Her grandmother was dead, and she hadn't gotten to say goodbye. Eyelids closed over her golden fleck orbs and she took in a deep breath to keep from crying. Rex had told her crying didn't do anything, and he was right. Crying only made you feel bad. Her ears moved when her fathers voice came out again. Skylar could hear the pain in that voice.

Moving forwards she stepped in front of her father and wrapped her arms around him, resting her head on his shoulder. Loosing Iskata had been harder on him, and she was sure he hadn't had one moment of peace since her death. "I'm sorry I wasn't here." was all the grey girl said as she held her father. Weather he would accept her comfort she wasn't sure, but it felt good to give it to him none the less.



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