the rhythms of a landscape that is breathing

thanks for joining Big Grin sure!


Any incidental sounds that would have alerted Hemming to the presence of another was drowned in the background noise. The singing, however, was not. It slipped into his concentration, loud enough for the male to think that it was his own brain making the noise, and eventually lured his focus away from the piece of wood he was sawing. He held the thick piece of wood in his hands as he looked up to locate the source of the voice, but it was nowhere to be found - at least on the ground. After a few moments the gray wolf finally located her in a tree, not too far away, somehow balanced on a long branch.

Her words caught him off guard but he smiled graciously anyways, glad to hear a compliment. The thing he was freeing from the wood was not actually a spear, though it was likely that the parts he had already made could be assembled into a rather hodgepodge one. It was, in fact, a drop spindle, which Hemming was planning to use to spin some yarn. He wasn't yet sure where he'd get the raw fibre - the wapiti in the distance made him wonder if he could get close enough to harvest their undercoat - but certainly if all else failed he would be able to use his own fur. The yarn all spun up would be good for making nets (if it was strong enough, of course - he would have to experiment a little), perhaps a rug or a blanket, and maybe even a hat. Useful things, he hoped.

"Thank you! It's not going to be a spear, though," Hemming replied, smiling, "It kind of looks like one right now, doesn't it? I'm trying to make a spindle. I haven't made one for so long, I hope it turns out... or maybe it will end up being a spear." He laughed a little and looked back down to the fat branch in his hand. He was about half way through it now, and had started to go in at an angle as well in order to reach the inner parts. Making a good spear would require a finer starting material than the stubby bit of wood he had already carved out, and he would attest to the amount of skill it would take to make one. If he failed to make the spindle, making a spear out of the grizzled remains would be an unattainable best case scenario. He would joke about it anyways, just because he felt at ease and the words came without any coaxing at all.

The wolf that had addressed him certainly fit what he thought an AniWayan should look like. Hemming was starting to feel very plain, indeed. He would have to do something about that soon. Really, though, he wasn't sure what kind of things would make him look more like he belonged. Feathers and braids, perhaps? That would be easy enough to do, but he couldn't shake the idea that he'd look ridiculous. The male reminded himself to be patient; all would come with time.


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