i heard your voice through a photograph
Miriette just laughed at the male that had no claim as their father yet had been the one who made them. Her cold silver orbs glared at him as he tried to deny it all. Her voice like ice as she stated simply. "You can't deny the truth.." Not when the truth was looking you in the face atleast. She straightened her shoulders as the male seemed to suddenly begin to break down. The male she'd thought was so strong and lead the pack like a leader should was soon bringing her to believe that perhaps her beliefs of the male were all wrong and he was just a fake all along. She shook her head and had been about to turn to Heath to throw a disgusting remark about their father when out of the corner of her eye she saw Gael's form lunge at their mother's rapist.

"Gael!" she shrieked as she realized just what was going on. She pulled herself back as she watched the two struggling, finally her brother was dumped into the dirt as she let a snarl erupt from her throat at his words. "We won't or we can't?" she growled as she sized up the bastard. "You don't deserve te live.." She glanced towards Heath, not knowing if she actually wanted to attack the male or not. He was their father, but he was also their mother's rapist.

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