I would still lay down my life for you
http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee19 ... ppachi.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

He didn't actually think that she had been sent there to do away with him. It was a possibility, he knew, but he didn't believe that was why she was here now. Or maybe he just didn't want to believe that. Though if Haku decided to try that, to convince her that it was necessary for the safety of her pack, then the madman had a tool against him that no other had ever held. For he would not be able to bring himself to attack her. Not only did he not attack those that had committed no crime, but he loved her. Even now, even after she had hurt him, he knew that he would not be able to harm her. Defending himself was one thing, blocking blows and moving out of harm's way, that he could do. But never would he be able to make his claws mar her beautiful form. He had squeezed the life from many, but he would never be able to from her. If she did come after him one day, it could very well be the end of him.

Her words confirmed that she had been sent here for no such purpose, that she had come here of her own will. The coyote could almost feel her eyes upon his scar and he wondered what she was thinking. They were both lucky that the wound had not been something that would have crippled him for life, for if that would have been the case instead of having her take him to help he would have asked her to end it. If he could no longer serve his purpose then he was useless. He did not want to live that kind of life. It would have been merciful to end his life if that had been the case. But it hadn't, and now here they stood, having come so far and yet now it seemed things hung by the smallest string, waiting to crash and shatter against the ground like glass. She could never kill him? "That is good for me, for I could do you no harm." His words were softer than they had been, but still he kept his back turned to her. His walls were crumbling quickly though.

The man waited in the silence that hung in the air between them. He could feel his heart begin to ache with the rest of his muscles. He should have known better than to chance going onto Dahlia's lands. Even if he hadn't told her exactly what had happened to at least have told her that problems could arise from his presence there. But he could never have imagined that that encounter would have ended the way it did. He had never guessed that she would respond so fiercely when the situation did not call for it. As her voice broke off he turned his torso to look up at her. "You could have just told me to leave. I would have, not for him, but for you. So we could have avoided something like that." To the untrained ear his voice did not sound much different, but really his words rang with the pain that had been planted inside him from the moment her sword had been pointed towards him.


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