I would still lay down my life for you
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v515/ ... enban2.jpg); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

Man, I have got to be the slowest writer in the world, OnO

That wry smile faded as he spoke, a quiet nod imperceptibly given. She understood his words quite well now. He had several more years of experience than she did, and she trusted that he spoke with wisdom. But even with the understanding that words could prove more appropriate, it would still take time for her to adjust. Much of her life had been lived in silence, especially when she had crossed the lands of ice to get here, and it was difficult for a wild creature to unlearn something that had been introduced in childhood. When he spoke of Haku, she was not troubled. As warrior, she was a protector of the pack, but she was not Haku’s protector—she doubted that he would accept help even if he required it. And Onus said that he would not go after Haku unless Haku openly pursued him. In such a case, the coyote’s actions could be seen as ‘self-defense’, and her need to confront him through pack matters would be unnecessary. The harsh smile upon her lips softened. The woman wanted to laugh—perhaps there had been nothing for her to fear. Upon a more serious note, the woman reminded herself that fear and fear of loss were dangerous. She had taken a step that could have lead in the wrong direction, but Onus had pulled her out.

While Cwmfen was silent, she understood well the violation of which he spoke. She remembered upon their first encounter many moons ago when he had told her that the cloth was more fitting than what lay beneath, and that he had stopped her from removing it. She remembered also her own reaction and could imagine the reactions of others. And even if she did not have such memories, she would have understood, though in a vaguer sense. To remove his cloth would be a great show of disrespect, and disrespect was a thing that the black fae did not tolerate. And it was with that thought that the woman realized truly what disrespect she had given him.

Then he forgave her, reaching out to her and taking her hand in his. And this time he did not release her, did not recoil. A soft smile graced her maw as she met his gaze, though that smile held a darker hue than most she gave. Her hand tightened about his, as if afraid he might leave again. She didn’t want that distance to be driven between them anymore. The black fae moved to join him, finding that she was now able to, moving to lie beside him, loving him an all of his imperfections. Her woad bound maw pressed into his neck, breathing in his unique scent as she closed her eyes as she released her breath with relief. She was relieved that he had not pushed her away, for she did believe that such a thing would not be endured easily. The hand that he held slid along his upper arm as the other came to rest at the base of his neck, the tips of her fingers brushing against his wound. "I love you, Onus," she breathed into him, breaking her own silence, "and nothing will change that." Not even death. Her maw came up to kiss him, a gentle kiss that was given tentatively as if she were afraid that he would not kiss her back. But all of her passions, her sorrows, were given to him in that single kiss. The hand at his neck moved down to his chest until she gripped the side of his torso beneath his ribs. There was a great tension within his muscles, moreso than usual. The woman broke the kiss, looking at him with concern. "Why are you so tense?"


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