Palisades! Palisades!
[html] ... /raven.png); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: bottom; border:1px solid black;">
Sorry again, hopefully I'll get my activity up in not long when there's less things to do :/
Word Count: 572

The Raven's beak clicked as he watched it, seemingly communicating with the femme, although there was no doubt in the red wolf's mind that it could not speak to her directly, as Gvihita could. It was no spirit guide, although it was clear to him that the bird was not completely from this mortal world either. The strange aura it seemed to have made him feel chilly, but at the same time puzzled. Looking away from it and onto the ground, he decided not to give it any thought. Cwmfen seemed honorable enough, and if she wanted to be the acquaintance of some strange and other-wordly bird, well.. then she might do so. It wasn't as if his link to Gvihita was any stranger, really, to someone who had never encountered either.

He felt a certain friendliness in him reach out to the femme as she agreed on his thoughts of law and justice, it seemed they were agreeing on not just one point, but several. More often than not he could feel level with someone when it came to their behavior and common thoughts - and not so often when it came to heavier subjects such as spirituality or justice. His family's traditions were incorporated in him so strongly that he could not simply let them go because these lands followed something else. Was he not in the right to execute this justice, when he was the leader of his own tribe? The one in question was in any way not associated with any other packs, but if he had he would still have contacted his pack's leader and demanded his justice. Some might think it harsh, but it was more fair than other kinds of punishment. A life for a life, or the balance was disturbed. That this opinion was the same or at least very similar to someone else's felt refreshing. Nodding as she spoke, his face was a mask of graveness.

She assumed that he would be the punisher if Brennt should be punished, and at this idea he felt heat rise in his face again. A momentary sensation only, it still stung in his heart - shame. He was not strong enough, and not skilled enough. More importantly - he was not brave enough. He had never felt such fear as he had then, when the beast had suddenly turned and pierced him with a gaze which looked like it belonged to anything but the dim male he had started chasing. No, Dawali Amara was no match for that beast, and Cwmfen saw this, he was certain. His body was not the one of a warrior - he was a worker, and he had a worker's muscles. Stiff, but strong for certain tasks, although useless for combat. He lacked the necessary agility and speed, even though he was slim and light. Admitting the flaw, his eyes fell to the ground for a moment before the words exited his mouth, not particularly proud of himself. After all, he was supposedly the strength of the tribe - the Chief, and now he could not protect them. I am.. no warrior. It would be stupidity to seek him myself, or on my own, should his behavior force us to act. I believe I was lucky to get away without a scratch when I ran into him, and yes - I think I would not be as lucky a second time.


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