I would still lay down my life for you
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v515/ ... enban2.jpg); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">


The woman’s face lingered there, his scent comforting. A quiet golden laughter, muffled only marginally by his fur, sounded in response to that low sound as she felt his voice move through her. With her maw lingering over his, she whispered, "Don’t stop." Surely, if their love ever ceased to exist, the world would stop turning. The warrior was certain that she loved this man, that this love that she felt was eternal. It was with this that she had kissed him. And as he kissed her back, a warmth washed over her body and mind, and she closed her eyes, tasting the male and the nature of his own passions. The tips of her woad bound fingers pressed against his fur, feeling that well-trained sinew that wound about his form. His arm held her close, and she felt as if everything would be okay.

He had winced, causing her touch to withdraw its pressure. For a moment she lingered there, as if feeling for the intensity of those bruises. Then she moved that woad bound hand, her touch light as she looked into that cloth. There was a brief silence marred only be his deep breath, but she felt as if she knew what was coming. But that didn’t stop her from feeling the impact within her soul. His words made her stop, her heart shuddering as if a large stone had been dropped into the dark, tranquil waters of her soul. The white orbs watched him, and yet fear was only a small part of what passed through those eyes. There was anger and frustration as well. Perhaps there was even guilt. No other should have to suffer for her inability to act. Why had she done nothing still to stop his attacks? Her gaze lowered slightly in the silence. Something had to be done. And she knew that that something would arise from her own actions or from the actions of the one she loved.

The woman rose, sitting up with her back to him. He tried to rape a girl? The woad marked warrior shook her head imperceptibly. She knew that Corvus was not a sexual creature when compared to most males—what had been the purpose of that action? "Why?" Her voice was quiet, almost whispered, but what was held within that single word could not be discerned—there were too many questions held within it to be able to do so. Cwmfen turned her head slightly take a sidelong glance at the coyote. "The time will soon come," the soft melody promised, her words dark with her resolve. "And it will all end." Ambiguity. It was the game of the fates. She turned her eyes away from him, looking at her hands. And for a moment, it seemed as if she would rise, as if she were going to seek out her forsaken father. But she was still, frozen in this moment, feeling as if she were unable to act. But without action, what could she do?


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