Learning Life's Lessons
http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a115/ ... gyrkin.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
Words: 300+

The tall male was surprised by the pup's recollection of what a greenhouse was. How she knew, he couldn't even begin to guess, but his amusement at the pup's knowledge led him to smile widely. When Catalyst asked about whether his friend had lots of flowers, he nodded, "Yes, she does...at least I think so. She told me that she was trying to grow a garden," he chuckled and looked away from the pup for a second, silently scolding himself for making an assertion about something he did not truly know.

His green hued gaze focused on the pup while she thought about his question. It was quite interesting to see how she acted while she formulated her answer. Her explanation seemed to produce little information about where her first name came from, and it made sense that her last name was derived from several others. Rath's strong memory quickly stored all of the names of Cat's numerous siblings, in hopes that he would remember them for future reference. The shaggy, reddish brown male had little time to think before the curious young female asked him yet another question about his work. "What...this?" He asked, not really expecting an answer as he pointed to his axe and the log he was working on. "Well, this isn't the only thing I do all day. Making a greenhouse takes lots of time and has lots of different jobs that I have to do in order to get it done. This is what I'm doing today, but tomorrow I'll probably move on to the next step. It's kind of fun, building something. There are so many things that you have to do that you never get bored." His tenor voice explained in a pleased manner. He enjoyed talking about his hobby. It made him feel good that someone so young was seemingly taking an interest in what he was doing. He doubted if an adult would have the curiosity or the patience to try and take up carpentry, but perhaps he might be able to recruit young Catalyst one day...when she was a little older.


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