New (Catherine)
The aroma of meat filled the entire room around them, it was mouthwatering. This made it very hard for the young pup to consentrate on the game being explained to her. She looked at the pieces and tried to watch carefully as Catherine moved one of her pieces. Catherine then nodded to the pup telling her that it was her turn now. She thought for a moment taking in all that the older wolf had told her before decoding what to do. She moved one of her pieces forward and looked at Catherine waiting for her responce, whether it be approval or dissaproval.

"Did I do it right?" The young wolf asked innocently to the older female. Peraila leaned back from the board to examine it and all the pieces as well. It was very interesting to her, this game. The meat was almost done now and she couldn't wait to try it. She hadn't eaten or drank anything in a while. The thought of water made her notice a dry lump in her throat and looked at Catherine, "Do you have some water?" She mumbled out not trying to be rude in any way.

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