You and I must fight for our rights
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"I’d like that," the woman replied with a smile. And when the boy turned to his life, the woman nodded with understanding. "And that time was a test of your character." Even warriors must understand the self—it was very important. "I am still struggling with such a time," the soft alto admitted. Indeed, the presence of her father within these lands was ever a foreboding shadow within her mind. Briefly she recalled that her scent upon Ezekiel, who she had also been training, had caused the crow wolf to attack the boy. There was concern within the warrior, knowing that such a thing could also occur with this boy. But she knew also that she should not be afraid, and that fear would only hinder her path. She did not know what sort of troubles haunted this particular boy, but she knew that he must overcome it.

The woman smiled, and bowed her head briefly in reply. His gratitude would be enough for the warrior. Her tail waved quietly behind her like a black ribbon that moved in the soft breeze. As he set his belongings aside, Badb was raised, held in a single hand, and as if sensing the presence of the boy’s longsword, its song burst from the blade. The difference in the uses of the two swords would make it interesting should they have engaged in battle, as the longsword held the tendencies of hacking and cutting while her celtic blade was created for thrusting and stabbing. Nevertheless, the woman had experimented with longswords, and she was sure that she would be able to compensate for that difference. She would not mislead the boy. Even if she would not be able to keep the techniques completely within the style required of the longsword, she would make sure that he would be able to wield the weapon well enough to successfully engage in battle and succeed. A light smile graced her maw. Much of the training she had given had been given to wolves and coyotes not of her pack. She wondered when the time would come to train her own.

"Good," the alto melody commented, her eyes falling to the way in which he gripped the sword. "You don’t want to hold the blade too tightly, but you don’t want your grip to be loose either. It’s a delicate balance. You want fluidity but power as well." The black fae was still for a moment longer. Perhaps later, or, if he wished, another day, she would show him the uses of a shield—or perhaps, she thought, correcting herself, the longsword did not require a shield. Nevertheless, perhaps a future lessen could include the possibility of such a thing, for a shield was a weapon also. "You must remember that all parts of the sword is a weapon and not just the blade." She suggested. "The hilt can be used to hook the opponent or catch an oncoming blade. The pommel can be used like a club." The woman moved then, and while her blade did not have a cross-hilt, she created the motions in the air to visualize her words for the boy. "Why don’t you try it?" She invited, referring to the use of the hilt. Raising her lade, the woman brought Badb down upon him with a relatively slow speed and with control enough to stop the blade from hitting the boy if he missed.


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