A dog's life
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Lysander watched the girl, he could see his charm work. It was as if it clicked. He looked, he smiled, he spoke and it just clicked. His grin widened, not only at his own success but at the female too. Easily she took a seat and he liked that she already was making herself at home, for now at least. Later when he grew tired, if he grew tired, his mood could change completely. His mood could change completely now, for Lysander merely lived whim to whim. Right now his whim was entertaining the female, and he turned back to the flame, putting the single dead bird and two of the rabbits aside. He’d have to pluck the one and skin the others but he didn’t mind the work.

“Do you prefer rabbit or quail? I only have one quail, but it’s just for you Asariel, if you want it.” Lysander noted the way her name rolled off his tongue. Very rarely did he remember names, they normally weren’t important, but maybe he’d remember this one. It was fun to say at any rate. He set to work with his knife and hands and soon enough the meat was roasting in the fire. They were small animals and would be cooked soon enough, though he didn’t even know if the lady preferred her meals cooked in the human fashion or raw, as some canines still ate it. He spun around, facing her. They were both of Phoenix Valley, they should be able to find some common interests. “You’ve lived here long?” Lysander wasn’t new anymore and still he didn’t know any of his pack mates. Not really a one.


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