make me believe
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Lysander shrugged at her predicament. She couldn’t shift now, he had given her the answer and it wasn’t good enough. There was little else he could do about it. She couldn’t use the weapon until she learned to shift, and Lysander smirked at her. “If ya don’t want it, I’ll keep it.” He drew the weapon back towards himself teasingly, pretending to inspect it for himself. Grey eyes twinkled at the girl, knowing how easily he had upset her before, how easily he could upset her again. Making toys for children was fun he decided. It was totally rewarding.

Grabbing his knife, mentally sounding out Zana, Z-A-N-A, he inscribed it. Letter by letter. Unlike mos this family, he could read and write, and while normally he did so quickly, with the inscription he wanted to take his time. One mess up and the words would look wrong, and he wanted his work to be perfect. Moving back to one of the floor boards he pulled out a long cord of leather, eye balled the measurement and cut the rope. Cutting a notch into the wood of the pea shooter so the cord wouldn’t slip, he looped it around so she could carry it around her waist, her neck, or just hang it from a peg.

“There now Just Zana, what do ya think of that?” He dropped the toy about her neck since she couldn’t carry it just yet. “Take care of it though. You only get one. Next time ya want me to make somethin’ for you, it’s gonna cost you. Cost you big, you got that Just Zana?” His eyes narrowed and he smirked again, as if to stress the point. Good things in life were rarely free, but Zana was getting a freebie just now. Just this once.


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