not your everyday circumstance
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The Italian man couldn’t keep himself from laughing as his nieces jumped at his surprise entrance. The looks on their little faces as shock shifted to realization was priceless, and it brought his playful side out to its full extent. The girls immediately went out for revenge, attacking and reprimanding him for his actions. "Ehi ora, ciò duole!" His amber gaze shifted to Amata’s active form as he lowered himself to the ground to be eye-level with the pups. "Non farmi è venuto dopo che lei!" The playful ring was still in his voice, tail wagging behind him to show his excitement. Ehno’s gaze slid over to Cambria at her exclamation, his smile growing wider. "Aw, ma ho pensato era buffo." He playfully nudged her with his nose.

His attention quickly drifted in another direction as Savina and Gotham came to join them. Ehno laughed at his sibling’s comment, playful smile soon becoming a grin while he remembered their childhood. As a pup, he never missed an opportunity to pop up when it was least expected. Thinking back on it now, he almost had too much fun with it. "Ero sempre tale istigatore. Che è i fratelli fanno." He paused briefly, gaze shifting towards his nephew. "L'insegnerò come lo fare anche," he added with a wink. Wouldn’t the girls just love that?

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