you go east for those real green eyes
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Haven smiled at the wolfess. "Yeah?" he asked, looking back to the stallion in front of him. "Maybe you're right. Or maybe he just wanted my apple," he said with a slight chuckle. But in all sincerity he hoped that she was right. Ever since he had been knighted he wanted a horse. It would make fulfilling his duties to the pack a lot easier. Though he didn't know what all went into taming and caring for one. Perhaps she would have the answers for him. "I'd like to tame one, but I don't know the first thing about it. About gaining their trust and then taking care of them. Do you?" The herd had gone through Crimson Dreams? It was obvious they were close to his old home, but he had never heard of horses moving through there. The comment about her sister and her four kids made his ears perk. To his knowledge there had never been another litter of four except his own.

The mention of his pale mother's name confirmed his suspicions. "Well, it looks like we're related then. I'm Nani's son Haven." He certainly hadn't expected to run into a relative, but he was glad that he had. The hybrid boy wondered if they were related by blood or just strong bonds. Either way made little difference to him. Family was family. The Aatte knight looked back to his sword as she mentioned it. Ah, so she had one too. How great! "I just found it at the castle. You?"


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