hollow-hearted, heart-departed
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She hesitated a moment before providing an answer to Catalyst’s question, choosing her words very carefully. Conor and Emwe’s story was an unpleasant one, especially when it came to their parents. Alexey often avoided telling people the real reason why she took care of them so much, because it inevitably gave the Lilium a bad reputation. She didn’t want to tarnish his image; it would come back to haunt her if she did. The Acer had seen what the Dahlian sub leader was capable of, and it was terrifying. “I take care of two other puppies; Conor and Emwe,” she paused, in an attempt to find a suitable explanation. “They are the Lilium’s children. He’s a very busy man. And their mom had to go away.” The truth had been diluted, but at least she hadn’t lied.

“It doesn’t take very long to grow up, Catalyst. Enjoy being a puppy while you can.” she warned, a seriousness lingering behind her words. She too, had yearned to become an adult at that age. Now it was just the opposite. Too many responsibilities came with adulthood. She hated it. “Flanders Field is situated south of the packlands. But don’t stray too close to the borders without an adult.” Another warning. Alexey didn’t want to be held responsible for the loss of a puppy, especially with that puppy-eating predator roaming about. He would’ve succeeded in taking Kol’s life, had Lexey not interfered by partially blinding him.

If he was capable of taking on an experienced fighter like Kol, he certainly was a threat to most in Dahlia de Mai. “There are other places too. Right now we’re in Oberon’s Spring. And the church where you live is in Wolfville.” she explained, finding no point in describing other locations if they weren’t going to visit them together. The Caregiver then got to her feet with a slight wag of her tail, waiting her new little friend to lead the way. “Ready when you are.” she said with an eager smile. Although she showed no outer signs of worry, she truly hoped that Palindrome hadn’t landed himself in any trouble.


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